TAK – A beautiful heart-shaped waterfall in Umphang district is rapidly becoming a popular visitor attraction, with local authorities set to develop this part of “unseen Thailand” as an eco-tourism attraction.

Pae Tor Lor Su, or Pitukor waterfall, deep in a forest in Umphang district has become popular with tourists drawn to its natural beauty and district authorities plan to develop it as a new eco-tourism site.

Karen villagers of the Pakayo tribe at Kuilertor village in tambon Mae Chan only recently revealed the waterfall, which is  deep in a forest area in Umphang district. Its many cascades create a heart shape. The Karen named it Pae Tor Lor Su, or Pitukor for short.

As news of this waterfall spread, people from other areas flocked to see it and the abundant flora and fauna around it.

Umphang Wildlife Sanctuary has closed the main road leading to the famous Thi Lo Su waterfall for the rainy season, preventing vehicles from entering the site. So, many nature lovers have instead shifted their attention to the new waterfall, which is about 80 kilometres from downtown Umphang. It takes about two hours to get there, but vehicles are allowed.

Pratheep Phortiam, chief of Umphang district, said on Tuesday that Pae Tor Lor Su waterfall had already become a magnet for tourists due to its natural beauty. People had also dubbed it the “waterfall of love”, because of its heart-like shape.

As the number of visitors is increasing every day, district authorities and other agencies would jointly develop it as a new eco-tourism attraction in the district, said Mr Pratheep.



Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com