SONGKHLA, 14 September 2016 (NNT) – Songkhla Province will be renovating the walls along three streets in old town as street art displays, with the aim to boost cultural tourism in the Songkhla Fun campaign, says governor.

Songkhla Provincial Governor Songphol Swadtham has revealed the province will be renovating the wall of houses along the Nok Road, Nakhon Nai Road, and Nang Ngam Road in the Songkhla Old Town. The walls will become street art displays designed in cooperation between Silapakorn University, Thaksin University, and 3D painting expert Magic Eyes.

The artwork aims to attract more tourists to the province and portray the identity of Songkhla Old Town through 15 street art pieces, representing the local lives and the cultural diversity between Thai, Malay, and Chinese. The creation and installation of artworks will be completed within this month.

The street art campaign is held as a part of the Songkhla Fun tourism campaign, promoting cultural tourism to boost economic growth and regional connectivity.

Songkhla is a major tourism destination with a great variety of culture and attractions. The city is exceptionally popular among tourists from Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.
