Monday is Loy Krathong, the day that nightlife resumes after the 30-day mourning period. It’s also the night of the biggest full moon in 68 years, also known as a supermoon.

On Nov. 14, the full moon will look especially massive because it will be making its nearest orbit to Earth in nearly seven decades, said the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand.

The institute announced that, at its closest point, the moon would be just 356,511 kilometers away from earth. It’s this closeness that will make the moon appear 30 percent more bright and 14 percent bigger than usual.

The last time the moon came so close, and looked so bright, was in 1948. The next time will be 2034, reported Khaosod English.

What makes this particular evening a “supermoon” is that the night of the full moon happens simultaneously with the night of the close orbit, making the moon look, well, super.

Look for the supermoon in the eastern part of the sky starting at 6pm. After you set off your krathong, you might get quite a good look at the moon from one of Bangkok’s many sky bars.

