BANGKOK, 24 October 2016 (NNT) – A foreign business operator has indicated now is an opportune time for travelers to visit Thailand to experience its deep loyalty to His Majesty the late King Bhumipol Adulyadej.

COE of Asia-Pacific conglomerate Minor International, William Heinecke, has remarked that this period is an opportune time for visitors to come to Thailand as it provides them the chance to see its citizens unified in their mourning and respect of His Majesty the late King.

He pointed out travelers will be able to learn of the impact the late King’s 70 years of work had on Thailand and how it benefitted his subjects. The businessman stated that any foreigners who want to understand Thailand’s deep loyalty for its king can do so during this crucial period.

Heinecke went on to predict that once Thailand moves past this time of mourning, the teachings and contributions of His Majesty the late King will help it to move towards prosperity and development.

